The Exclusively Green Community, Philly

Exclusively Green, LLC online community will be a place where people in Philadelphia can go to get information on environmental news. This will include the latest information about laws politicians are creating or have passed. Group events and on-line chat forums will also be posted on this site. The more people talk about the issues the more people will realize the importance of buying earth friendly and socially conscious products.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Monday, November 12, 2007

Thanks to You, Pennsylvania Takes Huge Step to Stop Global Warming

Penn Future: On October 31st, the Pennsylvania House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed House Bill 110, the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Act, legislation that would create a global warming strategy in Pennsylvania to protect our health, our economy, and our very future. Much of the credit for this victory belongs to a persistent and dedicated legislator, Rep. Greg Vitali of Delaware County, who worked for years for this day.

Monday, October 22, 2007

A clean fight on environment

Philadelphia Daily News: "Nutter said he would try to make Philadelphia the "Number One green city in the United States of America." He pledged to reduce the city's energy costs by 10 percent, plant hundreds of thousands of trees and conduct a massive citywide cleanup effort, if elected.

"I think the most revealing thing I've found in the course of running around this great big city is how dirty it is," he said.

Taubenberger said he would like to put a rooftop garden on City Hall and put gardens in vacant lots.

"If they're vacant, let's make use of them," he said."

Philadelphia Eagles Go Green -- Literally

ABC News: "The Eagles have quietly become the most environmentally friendly team in the National Football League, and perhaps in all of major league sports.

When the lights come on for an Eagles game at Lincoln Financial Field, 30 percent of the power comes from so-called clean sources, such as wind power and methane reclaimed from landfills.

When the Eagles fly to an away game, their organization plants trees in the Philadelphia area to make up for the carbon dioxide emitted by the team's plane.

If you go get a beer at halftime, you'll notice recycling bins every 46 feet on the concourse. Why that distance? Because a study showed people will actually walk that distance to drop off a plastic cup for recycling; any further, and the cups will just be dumped with regular trash.

The team's tickets are printed on recycled paper. So are the programs. Even the machine that vacuums the field after the game runs on biodiesel.

EDITORIAL: Energy Sources: Pa.'s clean machine "Indeed, the United States needs an energy direction, and plenty of people are ready to lead the way -- starting with PennFuture's 33 award winners last week.

Towns like Upper Dublin and firms like Restaurant Taquet and Studioeec are purchasing 100 percent clean wind power. The Philadelphia Eagles are setting a corporate example by reimbursing employees who buy wind power.

Green construction projects, such as the Friends Center in Philadelphia, demonstrate it's possible to become fossil-fuel free, produce zero global-warming gases, and recycle water.

The Great Valley School District and Kraft Bus Companies have retrofitted school buses with pollution filters and fill their tanks with biodiesel.

Landfills in Lancaster and Lebanon Counties are turning waste and methane into electricity.

The United Jewish Federation of Pittsburgh is educating the community on the benefits of compact fluorescent light bulbs."

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Step It Up

The grassroots are trying to wake up people all over the USA.
"Step It Up 2007 is a campaign organized by people all around the country, calling for leadership on global warming. Our goal is to empower the grassroots climate movement to take action locally by calling for national change. "
Philadelphia has 6 events on November 3rd to help spread the word. They are:

Walk for Climate Change- 11/ 3

Rally in Upper Dublin- 11/ 3

Franklin Rally- 11/ 3

Step It Up- Lead us to Solutions- 11/ 3

Multi-Organization Event in West Chester- 11/ 3

Take Back Main St.- 11/ 3