The Exclusively Green Community, Philly

Exclusively Green, LLC online community will be a place where people in Philadelphia can go to get information on environmental news. This will include the latest information about laws politicians are creating or have passed. Group events and on-line chat forums will also be posted on this site. The more people talk about the issues the more people will realize the importance of buying earth friendly and socially conscious products.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Philadelphia Eagles Go Green -- Literally

ABC News: "The Eagles have quietly become the most environmentally friendly team in the National Football League, and perhaps in all of major league sports.

When the lights come on for an Eagles game at Lincoln Financial Field, 30 percent of the power comes from so-called clean sources, such as wind power and methane reclaimed from landfills.

When the Eagles fly to an away game, their organization plants trees in the Philadelphia area to make up for the carbon dioxide emitted by the team's plane.

If you go get a beer at halftime, you'll notice recycling bins every 46 feet on the concourse. Why that distance? Because a study showed people will actually walk that distance to drop off a plastic cup for recycling; any further, and the cups will just be dumped with regular trash.

The team's tickets are printed on recycled paper. So are the programs. Even the machine that vacuums the field after the game runs on biodiesel.

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