The Exclusively Green Community, Philly

Exclusively Green, LLC online community will be a place where people in Philadelphia can go to get information on environmental news. This will include the latest information about laws politicians are creating or have passed. Group events and on-line chat forums will also be posted on this site. The more people talk about the issues the more people will realize the importance of buying earth friendly and socially conscious products.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Keystone Edge Article

On January 22nd we were featured in It was a very good article written by By: Joe Petrucci. From the article:

Going Green and Making Green: Educating Consumers for a New Industry
Montgomery County entrepreneur Tom Ambler's online startup, Exclusively Green Market, offers a host of green goods from shoelaces to shower curtains. The hard part, he says, isn't finding earth-friendly products to sell; it's getting consumers to understand why they are better--and why they cost more. Read the rest of the article

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