The Exclusively Green Community, Philly

Exclusively Green, LLC online community will be a place where people in Philadelphia can go to get information on environmental news. This will include the latest information about laws politicians are creating or have passed. Group events and on-line chat forums will also be posted on this site. The more people talk about the issues the more people will realize the importance of buying earth friendly and socially conscious products.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Energy Efficiency

I was looking at my newest electric bill last week and was shocked by how expensive it was. Part of the cost is the fact that we use wind energy for our electric. I knew that this couldn’t be the only expense so I wanted to figure our what else could be causing the increase in the cost. The first thing I did was to take out my trusty Kill A Watt and plug my computer monitor into it. When you plug something into the Kill A Watt it reads how much electric that appliance is using. I found out the monitor I have is wasting a ton of electric. It uses 120 watts where as a new Energy Star monitor of the same size will use 26 watts! After finding my actual electric costs I did the math and realized that if I just get a new monitor it will save me $6.33 per month and $76 a year!
Thanks to the Kill A Watt I can justify buying a new monitor since it will pay for itself in electric savings within 3 years. I can’t wait to see what else I can save money on.

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